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Board Members of Scholarship Foundation of the Harvard Club of the ROC (2022-2024)

Board Members of Scholarship Foundation of the

Harvard Club of the ROC (2018-2019)


HCROC is the main sponsor of HTLC and organizes an informal information session about Harvard with Harvard College students when they stay in Taipei for the HTLC event. More than 30 seniors/rising seniors from TAS, Fuhsing Private School, and NEHS attended the 2017 Harvard Information Session chaired by Henry Ho, President of the Club, Chris Li and Andy Wang, the Directors of HTLC 2017, to learn about the Harvard College experience.


HTLC (Harvard Undergraduate Leadership Conference), a summer English speaking camp for 96 Taiwan high school students selected from more than 2,500 candidates to attend a 7-day program organized and taught by a group of Harvard College and NTPU students, has been mainly sponsored by HCROC since 2008. The 2017 HTLC Mock Career Fair was held at National Taipei University San Shia campus last weekend. Followed by Greg Llacer's talk, the Career Fair, led by Henry Ho, President of the Club, covered a wide variety of industries with different alum speakers, including architecture (Chungwei Su), construction material (Jack Hou), consulting (Larry Lin), finance (Peggy Cheng) , internet (Samantha Lee), legal (Wen-Yen Kang), media (Debra Mao), medical (Jason Hsu), startup (Cheng Ho), technology (Jim Sun).



侯傑騰會長於 3/17-3/20 赴新加坡參加 HAA (Harvard Alumni Association)所主辦的 2017 HARVARD ASIA-PACIFIC CLUBS, CONTACTS & SIGS LEADERS MEETINGS,本年度共有17個校友會50位代表與會,會後哈佛大學校長 Dr. Drew Gilpin Faust 也親臨會場致意並與各地校友會代表合影。



本會今年贊助台大哈佛論壇 HCAP (Harvard College in Asia Program)- The Inaugural HCAP Taipei Conference, 假台灣大學集思會議中心舉行。 母校哈佛大學每年於全球遴選8所學校舉辦學生文化交流論壇,台灣地區首次由台灣大學獲選為交流學校,會中除邀集校友會理事,侯傑騰會長、王煒副會長、林知延理事、莊曜宇理事、基金會馬英九董事及校友劉軒擔任論壇主講貴賓,另有論壇晚宴邀請本會理事及基金會董事與會,與與會學生交流。



由本會贊助的2016HTLC (Harvard Taiwan Leadership Conference) 哈佛學生領導營,自818日至24日假台北大學三峽校區舉行。今年報名的高中生近2500名,競爭激烈,由營隊總召甄選出96名參加營隊,哈佛大學在學學生來台擔任營隊講師,帶領學員在全美語的環境,進行各項學習課程。mock career fair 由本會會長侯傑騰、副會長王煒、理事侯智元、副主秘毛德蕊、基金會董事蘇重威、主秘林嘉慧、及校友鄭柏琦分別就construction material, technology, startup, media, architecture, legal, finance等領域,介紹各相關領域的專業必備職能與發展願景。panel discussion 由侯會長主持,王煒副會長、侯智元理事、及鄭柏琦校友以 "Cultivating leadership: trials and tribulations in school life"為題,與參加學員分享在學習過程所經驗的試煉與挫折,以及經歷過各項抉擇與磨練後所收穫的豐碩成果。




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